Tag Archives

short story

( 2 Posts )

Rom Coms & Horror Flicks: A Covid Fever Dream

I wrote this story during the thick of quarantine when I felt as though I was about to lose my mind. I’d like to acknowledge that in no way does it depict the financial, physical and mental struggles many have faced as a result of our country’s mandatory lockdown. Instead, it was simp...

I wrote this story during the thick of quarantine when I felt as though I was about to lose my mind. I’d like to ackn...

Too Foreign For Home & Too Foreign For Here

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for granted. From the sizzling oil on freshly baked pastries to the piercing smell of the wild mint in our cups of tea, every ounce of our body aches to once again be in the mere ...

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for grant...